Post-Graduate Diploma Course | 583 HOURS

In Class: 176hrs

Case Studies (2): 120hrs

Log Book Practical: 75hrs (50 sessions)

Home Study: 210hrs

Examination: 2hrs

Written: Curriculum based comprehensive questionnaire

Oral: Random choice case-related question

Practical: Oral question related protocol

– Anatomy of the cranium: bones, sutures, and membranes

– Primary Respiratory Mechanism, Cerebro-Spinal Fluid, flexion and extension, and the SBS

– Endocrine and central nervous systems

– Position of the spine on the feet, assessment and diagnosis

– Plexuses and hormones

– Autonomic nervous system

– Cranial nerves, venous sinuses and venous drainage

– Arterial blood supply to the neck and brain

– Cranio-Sacral Protocol

– Specific points for shoulder, hip, elbow and knee

– In-depth Anatomy and Physiology with new foot-charts for various systems of the body

– Pineal gland

– Hormones of the brain and neurotransmitters

– Heart Brain Connection

– Reticular Alarm System

– Stages of Stress

– Occipital zones and the reading of the three diaphragms

– Extended Cranial Theory: palpation of PRM, energy cysts

– Cardio-vascular Protocol

– Lymphatic system Protocol

– The Stress-Factor and its effect on the endocrine system

– Intestine or The Second Brain

– The Brain on the Hand and Feet

– The Emotional Brain

– Hormones

– Sleep Hormones

– Glands and Their Treatments


– Neuro-Endocrine System

– Puberty

– Fertility, Infertility

– Menopause

– Treatment for Menopausal and General Hormonal Problems with Homeopathic Remedies, Aromatherapy oils, Plants/herbs and Mineral Salts to achieve homeostasis

– Hormonal Protocol